Monday, July 12, 2010

Take A Break

Well friends, I'm going to have to say goodbye for a while. I am overwhelmed at work and will be for many months to come. I haven't been donating enough time to Poised Perfection and often feel guilty for neglecting my little blog. If my schedule returns back to normal (probably around December), I'll see if I can resume a regular blogging schedule then. I am deeply grateful for the patronage of my readers and hope you will check back in a few months. Thank you so very, very much!

Photo source: here

1 comment:

Celular Espião said...

Se você precisar de um Grampo para telefone Celular, saiba que somos pioneiros na confecção destes equipamentos. Escuta de celular ou grampo telefonico Você grava tudo de forma totalmente segura e oculta e ainda pode receber as suas gravações por e-mail.