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Show me a person who doesn't love books and I'll show you one bored individual. As a person who loves to collect an assortment of things, books are a high priority. Though a confirmed history nut, my tastes can range anywhere from William Shirer to Plum Sykes. Unlike with film, my main concern with a book is that it has to hold my attention. A few summers ago I happened across a chic little volume entitled
A Guide to Elegance: For Every Woman Who Wants to Be Well and Properly Dressed on All Occasions. Quite a mouthful, but the author, a ludicrously refined lady by the name Genevieve Antoine Dariaux, takes you through every style situation women encounter. Undoubtedly, this book changed my perspective on dressing properly, accessorizing, proper makeup application, and personal style in general. I've given copies to my sister, friends, and personally own three. There is always a copy in my bedside drawer just in case I need to consult with Madame Dariaux on an elegance crisis.
Even though I use Madame Dariaux's imppeccable advice constantly I still don't look like this...yet.
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